Hello : )
I think the last time I clicked the Sign In button was months ago. Or maybe not too long ago but it was a failed attempt to update. Since my last post I just went into hibernation from the so called online world. Popping up every once in a blue moon to shed some existence however tiny it may be.
Well a lot has certainly happened in the gap of unwritten (or unblogged?) days. Yes.
right here, right now, I am a happy camper ♥
For starters, I've graduated :D so that means no more posts about assignments and what not. I have stepped foot into the working life as of now. But I shall not delve into that here... :)
Tiny news on the side, few weeks ago I was out with my sis and her guy and we walked into a computer shop as I was looking for a cable thingy... As we were leaving, one familiar design of hearts and colors caught my eye and I could not believe it cause I had created that little piece of art. It was made into an iphone skin, altho the colors came out a little over saturated. I actually submitted that piece for a competition (one of the few I sent it). It didn't win but I guess I must've missed it somewhere in the T&A about the royalty free policy of submitted designs.
My name was credited so I guess that was enough, though they got the title of the piece wrong
Well anyway it felt really random but it did make my day :D

Have a super weekend peeps!